We are currently seeking Editors with expertise in the field of climate science.
Editors are scientific members of Climanosco with substantial recent research experience in the broad area of climate science. Editors are responsible for the peer review of manuscripts. Any scientific member of Climanosco can sign up to volunteer as an Editor by checking the box under “Editorial candidate’s list” in his/her member profile. New Editors are nominated by the Board of Directors.
Climanosco’s Editorial Board is currently composed of 12 members and we are very proud to present them below.
Dr. Cassandra Bolduc
Canadian Meteorological Center - Environment and Climate Change Canada
Health, Law & Policy, Lower Atmosphere, Middle Atmosphere, Pollution and Climate, Sun
Prof Paul Charbonneau
Département de Physique, Université de Montréal
Climate of the Future, Climate of the Past, Climate of the Present, Sun
Dr. Daniel J. Hill
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
Climate of the Past, Ice & Snow
Dr. Kate Johnson
Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF), Barcelona, Spain
Extremes, Vegetation
Prof. Dr. Mark G. Lawrence
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
Air, Climate of the Future, Climate of the Present, Lower Atmosphere, Pollution and Climate
Dr. Lisa Neef
Division FE 12 (Research and Development / Data Assimilation), Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service)
Climate of the Present, Middle Atmosphere
Dr. Narendra Ojha
Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
Air, Lower Atmosphere, Pollution and Climate
Dr. Philippe Roy
Air, Climate of the Future, Climate of the Present, Earth, Extremes
Dr. Julia Schmale
Paul Scherrer Institute
Air, Lower Atmosphere, Pollution and Climate
Dr. Remi Thieblemont
Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), IPSL, CNRS, France.
Air, Climate of the Present, Lower Atmosphere, Middle Atmosphere, Sun
Dr. Alan N Williams
EMM Consulting Pty Ltd
Climate of the Past, Human Activities, Life
Dr. Barbara Winter
Air, Climate of the Future, Climate of the Present, Earth