Welcome to Climanosco’s library, an ever-growing collection on all things climate science.
Will climate change worsen your health?
Joan Ballester
Nearly 8% of deaths in Europe are due to ambient temperatures, and global warming represents an additional threat for public health. Despite the fact that we expect more frequent, intense and persistent heat waves during the present century, it is actually not clear whether the number of attributable deaths will also increase. Here I discuss why the role of early …
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Will climate change worsen your health?
Can somebody clear the air? How air quality and climate change are connected.
Erika von Schneidemesser
Air pollution and climate change are different phenomena, but are connected in a number of ways. The same sources emit both air pollutants and greenhouse gases, many air pollutants affect the Earth’s energy balance and thereby affect climate change, and a changing climate will affect air quality. Policy options to address either air quality or climate change cannot be formulated …
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Third best article of the launch challenge 2016
What do historical temperature records tell us about natural variability in global temperature?
Patrick T Brown
Global average surface air temperature can change when it is either ‘forced’ to change by factors such as increasing greenhouse gasses, or it can change on its own through ‘unforced’ natural cycles like El-Niño/La-Niña. In this paper we estimated the magnitude of unforced temperature variability using historical datasets rather than the more commonly used computer climate models. We used data …
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Second best article of the launch challenge 2016
Global warming might be on hold, but it’s not cancelled
Iselin Medhaug
Instrumental measurements of surface temperatures are available back to around 1850. Based on these, we can estimate the annual mean global temperature. Global temperatures are clearly rising, mainly because of increasing amounts of greenhouse gases, like for example CO2 and methane, from use of coal, oil and gas and deforestation. Since 1998, a paradox seems to have appeared, where the …
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Awarded best article of the launch challenge 2016