European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, April 2014

Climanosco news
Posted on 05/05/2014

European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, April 2014
Michel S. Bourqui
2014-05-05 09:30:25

I just returned from the EGU’s General Assembly in Vienna, where I presented the journal to the scientific community. My talk was featured in the session “ESSI1.8/EOS6
Citizen Empowered Science and Crowdsourcing in Geosciences” under the title “A Citizen Empowered Online Platform for Communicating Climate Science to the General Public”. The abstract can be downloaded here. The session was greatly interesting. I received a lot of interest and new ideas which I will be sharing with you in the next future. I also talked directly with many scientists and distributed the flyer:

Don’t hesitate to download this flyer and send it to your friends, students and colleagues!
