Note: This version 2 is applicable since 01/12/2024. This version 2 was approved by the Board of Directors on 26/03/2024. It was approved by the General Assembly on 01/12/2024. Previous version.
Climanosco publishes research-based articles in climate science that are both of high quality and accessible to a broad audience. To help us achieve this goal, we require the authors on submission of their manuscript to Climanosco to expressly agree with these Terms and Conditions for the Submission and Revision of a Manuscript (“Terms” hereinafter). It is the main author’s responsiblity to make sure that all co-authors, if any, agree with these Terms too.
By submitting a manuscript, the main author indicates that
- He/she agrees to fulfill the requirements of the extended peer-review process at each step in a timely manner;
- The authors are aware of the peer review criteria;
- The authors are aware of the guidelines for authors.
- The authors agree with the publication of their manuscript in the journals Climanosco Research Manuscripts and Climanosco Research Articles as described in the extended peer-review process.
By submitting or revising a manuscript, the main author confirms that the following requirements are met:
- The main author of the manuscript is a member of Climanosco registered as a climate scientist.
- The main author is responsible for the manuscript from submission to publication.
- The main author can choose to add co-authors who have contributed to the research discussed in the manuscript or to the writing of the manuscript. Co-authors do not need to be members of Climanosco.
- The manuscript focuses on a topic of interest to Climanosco, namely in the broad area of climate science.
- The manuscript is written in a language which is accessible to a broad audience without prior scientific knowledge.
- The manuscript provides an unbiased synthesis of the current scientific knowledge available in the published peer reviewed scientific literature on the topic declared in the title at the time of submission.
- All scientific references are appropriately cited in the body of the manuscript.
- The manuscript is written in English if it is a new manuscript. Otherwise, for translated manuscripts, the choice of the language is left to the author of the translation.
- The manuscript meets basic editorial quality. It is well structured, concise, clear and coherent. More than 2500 words are not allowed. More than 1500 words are not recommended for introductory articles. The outline must be kept under 200 words and the flash outline under 110 characters including blanks.
By submitting or revising a manuscript, the main author expressly confirms the following:
- The author, and co-author(s) if any, are the original author(s) of the manuscript.
- All manuscript versions are approved by all co-author(s) prior to their respective submission.
- Neither the manuscript text as a whole nor parts of it have been submitted or published elsewhere.
- The right to reproduce any material contained in the manuscript that has already been published elsewhere has been secured.
- The authors agree with Climanosco’s Copyrights notice. In particular, if the manuscript is published by Climanosco after peer review, its published version is distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution License but may not be submitted for peer reviewed publication elsewhere. The manuscripts and all associated peer review material remain permanently archived and accessible to Climanosco members.
- The authors agree with Climanosco’s Publication Policy.
If you encounter any problem or need any clarification contact the team at: